The Diskmags Catalog
From Diskmags Catalog
Welcome to the Catalog of Disk Magazines!
- in 📖 alphabetical order
- by a category:
- in a curated subcollection:
- or enter a 🔎 search term
- Curated subset of magazines from East-Central Europe is now available here
- released some helpful slides on legal implications of text mining diskmags
- Noerdman released a webcomic about our project in the GI magazine, see here!
- paper at DHd 2024 (28 Feb 2024)
- plenary talk at Edition als Transformation (22 Feb 2024)
- talk at 37C3: Das Diskmags-Projekt (28 Dec 2023)
- added an Italian Diskmag: RUN (21 Dec 2023)
- added a Serbian Diskmag: Amiga Front (14 Dec 2023)
- conference paper published: Diskettenmagazine als Frühes Kulturerbe (29 Nov 2023)
- updated the complete catalog (20 Oct 2023)
see also 📖👩🏫 Publications and Presentations
- The catalog currently contains 2512 records of disk magazines.
- The single issues (more than 10000 records) will be added soon.
- Data from this catalog is accessible through a REST API:
- Raw datasets are available at our GitHub Repository:
The current data release is stable and usable. The entries of the subcollections have the best data quality.
The entries for most of the other issues still need to be updated. An update is expected within September 2024.
Please send any question to info💾